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BOOKING Treatment for RA Factor ! homeopathy cures auto immune conditions ! case in brief : This is a case of a 31 yr old male - who was healthy 4 years back. He started having pain, nerve irritation in his small joints and in a matter of 8 months his most joints were effected. [...]

the case : This is a case of diabetic foot of a 70yr old male. The trouble started as a small boil few years back which grew into a gigantic ulcer in feet. The internal structures could be seen and extremely offensive discharges. Patient also had lost any sensation of that part of feet the [...]

How to treat Psoriasis ? I personally feel every doctor has few such conditions which he dreads not because of his less expertise but because those conditions itself are most complex diseases of its own kind. One such disease out of many complex conditions is Psoriasis. I take great professional pleasure and humility to treat [...]

What is Mucormycosis ? Lets understand first what is a Fungus! - Fungus a group of spore producing organism - feeding on organic matter can cause havoc if it enters human body, particularly one weak with immune system !!! Mucormycosis is a type of fungal infection affecting the sinus and can spread around spaces near [...]

Infection in Urinary Bladder ?? A bladder infection is normally not an extremely serious condition. However it may be irritating to deal with such an infection because of the inconvenience of having to use the bathroom more frequently. A bladder infection may be caused by bacteria from skin near the vagina or the rectum that [...]
renal stones - treated by Homoeopathy !! this is a case of a 27 year old male who was diagnosed with kidney stone at the age of 26. He use to have severe pain and colic. he was under treatment for 3 months with various doctors. the pain had subsided eventually. and He Left it [...]
CHRONIC SKIN ECZEMA - DERMATITIS of 3 years Old !!!! completely cured in just 2-3 months ! This is a case of 13 yrs. girl, suffering with this chronic Skin Eczema since last 3 years. The Skin was blackish, thick, oozing discharge and intolerable itching. The patient had been to several doctors but had no [...]