CHRONIC SKIN ECZEMA – DERMATITIS of 3 years Old !!!! completely cured in just 2-3 months !

CHRONIC SKIN ECZEMA – DERMATITIS of 3 years Old !!!! completely cured in just 2-3 months !

This is a case of 13 yrs. girl, suffering with this chronic Skin Eczema since last 3 years. The Skin was blackish, thick, oozing discharge and intolerable itching. The patient had been to several doctors but had no relief.

the case was taken and closely examined. There was also cut in the skin and inner layers of the skin was seen. The patient was put on medications for 1 month on phase 1 meds. There was minor changes, the itching was lesser. The Phase 2 meds were given and the 2 pic is the result. The skin has completely healed . The skin is clean, clear, Smooth and healthy 🙂

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